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Scoundrel Page 8

  Once his own orgasm had passed, he gave her a few short rolls of his hips to bump against her clit. Small shards of delight burst within her and she couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling.

  “Luke?” she breathed.

  “What, filly?”

  “Please…cut my bonds.”

  He grabbed the knife off the side table and easily sliced the rope from her wrists. Before he could let go of the blade, Shirley grabbed the sides of his face. She brought him down to her mouth and kissed him unprompted—for the very first time.

  Thankfully, he didn’t argue. Opening his mouth, he accepted her kiss and allowed her fingers to thread through his hair. She fisted her hands and held him down, wrapping her legs around him to ensure he couldn’t escape. But she bumped her ankle and pulled away from his mouth with a hiss.

  “Careful,” he breathed, kissing her cheek and her chin. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  She grinned. “My God, Luke. I never knew it could be so wondrous.”

  “You wouldn’t have had this much fun with that preacher boy.” He wagged his eyebrows and she laughed out loud. “Probably woulda climbed on top o’ you fully clothed.”

  Shirley laughed even harder, hiding her face in Luke’s shoulder.

  He nuzzled her ear. “And I doubt Newcomb’s nephew woulda known what a clitoris is, doctor or not.”

  “Lucas Austin!” she cried, wiping away her tears of mirth. “The things you say!”

  “Mmm, you like the things I say.”

  He moved inside her, reminding her of their intimate connection. Shirley bit her lip and glanced coyly at him. “You are the rudest, crudest man I know.”

  Luke nodded matter-of-factly. “I don’t doubt it. But this rude, crude cowboy just branded himself a filly. He’s feelin’ mighty proud about it, too. And I think that little filly didn’t mind one bit.”

  “Only because you’re my husband now,” she reminded him. “I would have been livid if you’d taken me against the wall of my father’s general store.”

  “I woulda done it, too. If your pa hadn’t discovered us when he did, I would have had you last night—without the ceremony. And you would have let me.”

  “Only because I was caught up in everything you made me feel! Whenever you’re near me, my senses get jumbled. I don’t think straight.”

  A look of pure male pride came over him. He kissed her for her admission and pulled away only to yank the blanket around them. He was sure not to jostle her ankle as he curled his arms around her.

  “Do you think you can manage sleeping next to me?” he teased. “Don’t want to put you in a tizzy.”

  Shirley smacked his shoulder and snuggled on the pillow with him. “I can manage,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I’m so tired, I might forget you’re even there.” She accentuated her words with a yawn.

  Luke tucked her stray hair behind her ear. “That won’t happen,” he whispered. “Not when these arms are gonna hold you all night long. And definitely not when I intend on wakin’ you in the pitch dark to love you all over again.”

  Her heart fluttered. “Will you tie me up again?”


  With a tired grin, Shirley closed her eyes. “Good,” she mumbled.


  Shirley awoke to the pressure of a mouth against her throat. As she waded up through consciousness, she became aware of a warm palm on her bare backside, gently pressing her against a naked male body. Confusion clouded her mind until she remembered she was in a hotel room. Married. To Luke Austin.

  “You awake, filly?” His gritty, sleep-laden voice pulled her closer to him like gravity. Only the pale light from the moon filtered in through the window. She couldn’t see more of him than a shadow, but that didn’t make him any less sexy.

  “I am now,” she replied, her voice just as gritty.

  “Remember that promise I made you a few hours ago?”

  “About lovin’ me in the pitch dark?”


  “Of course I remember.” Feeling bold, Shirley lightly stroked his arm up to his shoulder and smiled when his body responded by raising the hair on his skin. She trailed her hand over his chest and found his stiff nipples. He grunted in approval when she circled one with the pads of her fingers, and delight wound through her.

  “You still sore?” he asked.

  Shirley moved her thigh and tried to judge her pain. “Some.”

  Luke’s fingers disappeared beneath the blanket and lightly traced her breasts. Her nipple puckered when he pinched her. She gasped and pinched him right back. His chuckles prompted her to raise her hand up his neck and into his hair, pulling him closer.

  “I never thought I could be so at ease, naked with a man.”

  “Not just any man,” he reminded her. “Me.”

  “An arrogant man,” she corrected dryly.

  She saw his teeth flash in the dim light. “I may be arrogant, but I got the prettiest girl in the territory. And that’s a damn fact.”

  Shirley turned away and didn’t respond. His large hand brought her face back to his. “What’d I say?”

  “That’s all anyone ever sees of me. Not too long ago, I prided myself on my looks, but…no one liked me. Not really.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Older women held their husbands close when I walked by. Younger women didn’t appreciate their suitors fawning over me. And men…well, they never cared about who I was. Not really. They only cared about how I looked on their arm. I thought I should act the part. I felt entitled and I liked the attention. But the more proposals I received, the more I looked at myself in the mirror, and I didn’t like what I saw.”

  “What did you see?” His voice was soft while he trailed his fingers through her hair.

  “A shallow, spoiled woman with no friends and no suitor willing to get to know who I truly was. It’s why I latched on to Christopher. He came to call, but he never proposed. I figured he wanted to take things slow, find out about my thoughts and dreams. But I was wrong.”

  “I’m sorry he disappointed you,” he whispered. “But you’re better off with me now. We didn’t plan on this, but I’ll always respect you. Got my word on that.”

  She kissed him lightly for his tender words. “I don’t know what to make of you.”

  “How’s that?”

  “When I first met you, I thought you were a pompous ass.”

  Luke’s laughter echoed in their small room. “And now?” he asked, still chuckling.

  She giggled with him. “I…don’t know. You surprise me. You tied me up, but then wrapped my ankle before pouncing on me. I thought maybe you’d yell at me—or worse—for running away from our wedding. But you said you won’t ever hurt me, even though I know you were right pissed.”

  “I have never raised my hand to a woman,” he told her, his voice soft but firm. “I don’t intend to start now.”

  She was silent for a moment, still touching him, amazed they were having a civil conversation. “You came for me.”

  “Course I did. You’re my wife.”

  “I’m not so sure Christopher would have.”

  Luke shrugged. “Some men fight for what’s theirs. Others let those things fall through their fingers.” He rolled her over to lay halfway on top of her, with one of his large thighs between both of hers. “But Christopher will never know what he gave up. He passed over a passionate woman who’s not afraid to take risks or try something new. A woman who’s favorite color is pink, and who’s not afraid to speak her mind. A woman who manages to be both uptight, and open-minded at the same time. A woman who prides herself on propriety, and yet yearns to throw the rules out the window.”

  Shirley’s eyebrows shot up at his astute words. He’d described her down to the last detail.

  “Oh yeah, honey, I’ve paid attention. I see much more than your beauty. And deep down inside, you’re relieved you’re married to me.”

  She swallowed hard, but didn’t contradict him. “H
ow did you know my favorite color is pink?”

  “The ribbons in your hair are always pink. The calico dresses you wear have little pink flowers, and even your unmentionables are embroidered with pink butterflies.”

  “What’s your favorite color?” she asked on a lark, feeling playful.

  “Deep blue eyes,” he said, stroking her face. “Strawberry blonde hair. And pale, pale skin.”

  Her stomach rolled over and her eyes burned at his admission. Luke wasn’t merely knocking on the door to her heart. He was kicking it wide open.

  “Where’s this lovin’ you promised me?” she asked, careful not to bump her injured foot as she hooked it over his thigh.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  His head descended and she accepted his kiss with a whimper. His tongue plunged deep, reminding her of what his mouth did to her pussy. That thought alone was enough to make her buck toward him while her clit tingled. Luke’s palm fanned out upon her belly, caressing her skin in a downward path until his fingers lightly explored her, opening her folds and slicking on the new cream that greeted him.

  Luke thrust his hips, digging his cock into her side while his hand worked her clit. “Damn, filly, I’ve wanted to do this since the day I met you.”

  “If I knew how absolutely wonderful it was, I might have let you.”

  His finger disappeared inside of her, thrusting once, twice, three times before pulling out to encircle her clit with a firmer pressure. Shirley gasped and tried hard to concentrate on his next words.

  “You wouldn’t have let me touch you,” he said, his breath singing her lips. “You were too damn indignant.”

  “Well,” she said, clutching his arm and gasping as her hips followed his fingers. “You were crass. I might have considered your unholy proposal if you’d asked me nice.”

  He chuckled, and her orgasm threatened to crest. Once again, he pushed his finger inside of her, but this time, he added a second, then a third, forcing her to follow his lead.

  “My way was more fun,” he whispered. “I enjoyed chasin’ you.”

  When he touched her clit, pleasure thundered throughout her entire body and she cried out at the sensation. As if he sensed her thoughts, Luke returned his mouth to hers and swallowed her cries, continuing his erotic touch and demanding she ride it out until it passed.

  Shirley hadn’t been aware her fingernails had dug into his skin until he climbed on top of her. But he didn’t seem to care. He took her mouth again, ruthlessly this time, and sharply plunged his cock into her body.

  The length of him, so much longer than his fingers, touched her somewhere deep down. She was surprised she could feel pleasure when he pressed against something inside of her, heightening her previous delight by not allowing her to come down completely from the clouds.

  She bucked against him, cradling his head in her hands and rocking to his thrusts until Luke’s own vulnerable cries released into her mouth. He strained a few more times before breathing heavy and collapsing on top of her. But Shirley didn’t complain. The weight of him was delicious, as was his cock, still filling her more than she’d ever dreamed.

  “You all right?” he asked, his breath ruffling her hair.

  Her heart swelled. Not only was he the only man who understood her, he was also the only one who seemed to care about her wellbeing.

  “Better than all right,” she replied, kissing the side of his neck and up to his cheek.

  Luke grinned and rolled off of her, bringing her with him until she was splayed across his chest. “We got a few hours yet ‘til dawn,” he said. “What do you say we get some shut-eye?”

  Tugging the blanket back over them, Shirley curled her body around his and held on tight. “I’d like that.”

  He kissed the top of her head. Never in her life had she known she could feel such overwhelming bliss, making love to a man then falling asleep in his arms.

  With her own kiss to his chest, she snuggled within his warmth and gave him her heart.


  A loud banging woke Luke in the morning. Apparently, it woke Shirley as well. She lifted her head from his shoulder and her eyes squinted in the light.

  “What was that?” she asked, her voice slurred.

  Another bang sounded from the door to their hotel room.

  With a growl, Luke crawled over her and searched the room for his robe. “Hold on a damn minute!” he yelled. Turning toward her, he pointed to the bathing room. “Go get dressed. I’ll see who wants me to put a new hole in their face.”

  Luke watched her emerge from under the blanket and smacked her backside, leaving a red mark. With a cry, she scowled over her shoulder and bent to scoop up her drawers. He grinned at her. Once she was in the bathing room, she closed the door behind her.

  Luke opened the hotel room door and scowled into the livid face of his brand new brother-in-law. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Without preamble, Marcus let his fist fly. Luke stumbled back from the force of the blow, unable to keep his footing. He crashed into the vanity before falling to the floor.

  His ears rang and his jaw ached to high-heaven. He had to blink a few times to get his eyes to focus. “Christ, McCaide!”

  “Don’t say another goddamn word, Luke. You’re lucky I only punched you. Believe me, on my way over here, I considered pulling my gun! How could you? How could you haul off and marry Shirley?”

  “It wasn’t something I had planned!” Luke’s anger fueled him. He sprang to his feet and balled his own fists. It was all he could do not to return the favor.

  “Obviously not,” Marcus scoffed, stepping into the room and slamming door behind him. “Chuck found you fixin’ to take her outside of his shop. Don’t you think with anything other than your cock?”

  “Don’t you dare get on your high horse, McCaide,” Luke spat right back. “You can’t be ‘holier than thou’ with me. I know for a fact you slept with Lissa before you married her. And if Chuck had found you wrapped around his daughter, he would have done the same damn thing!”

  “I did right by Lissa. I did right by her father!”

  “What do you think I did? Did I run? Did I leave Shirley in disgrace? No! She’s my wife now. I don’t back away from my mistakes.”

  “And how do you intend to take care of your new wife, huh?” Marcus asked, throwing up his hands. “You can barely take care of yourself. You’ve worked yourself to the bone for whatever money you’ve got. You don’t even have a home, Luke! Drifting on the range is no life for a woman, especially Shirley Bloom.”

  “Her name’s Austin,” Luke corrected, growling as he spoke.

  “You don’t even know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” Marcus continued, as if he hadn’t heard him. “That woman is a spoiled brat! She’s not concerned about anyone other than herself. The moment you take her from the Gulch, she’s gonna do nothing but whine and complain and make your life a living hell. You just saddled yourself with a selfish nag!”

  Luke saw red. He didn’t care if Marcus was his old friend or family by marriage. No one was going to speak of his wife that way. He pulled back to swing, but Shirley beat him to the punch. The bathing room door ripped open and the sound of her shriek hit the air. She marched right up to her shocked brother-in-law and slapped him so hard he stumbled.

  “How dare you?” she yelled. Her temper obviously burned hot. Her cheeks were flushed and her nose flared. By all that was holy, she was absolutely gorgeous.

  She gulped for air and moaned, in an apparent effort not to shriek her sobs. Her entire body shook. “How can you say those things about me?” she railed, her voice cracking. “Get out. Get out right now!”

  “Shirley, I—”

  “Get out!” She shoved him back.

  Rubbing his jaw, Marcus glanced between her and Luke, shook his head and scowled. He grabbed his hat off the floor and exited the room, banging the door shut so hard the windowpanes rattled.

  ~ * ~

  If it hadn
’t been for Luke’s strong arms suddenly circling her from behind, she would have dropped to the floor. Turning in his embrace, she clutched onto his neck and cried into his shoulder.

  “How could he say those things?” she whispered.

  Luke shushed her and stroked her hair. “He’s just pissed, darlin’. He didn’t mean any of it.”

  She sniffled and took a deep, shuddering breath. “Yes, he did.”

  Luke sighed himself. “Well one thing’s for sure,” he grumbled. “He has a mean right hook.”

  Shirley pulled out of his arms and cupped his face. A dark bruise had appeared on his cheek. He worked his jaw open and closed a few times. “Will you be all right?” she asked.

  “Had worse.”

  She watched him and arched a brow. “What did Marcus mean, that you don’t have a home?”

  Luke absently trailed his fingers through his hair and sat on the bed. The metal frame protested from his weight. “He meant what he said. I don’t have a home.”

  She gnawed at her bottom lip. “None?”

  “None,” he answered with a shake of his head.

  “Not even family?”

  When his eyes connected with hers, she silently cursed herself for asking that question. A chill raced down her spine when he spoke again, but his voice was low and even.

  “My mother was a prostitute and my father was one of her…regulars. I grew up here and there. Mama died when I was real young. It wasn’t a pretty childhood, sweetheart. So no, I don’t have any family.”

  He stood once more and swiftly strode into the bathing room. She glanced after him only to quickly look away. He was getting dressed.

  “I…I’m sorry, Luke,” she said. And she was. She knew the pain of losing a parent. “My mother passed as well. Hit my father real hard. Hit Lissa and I hard, too. Maybe that’s why I am the way I am.”

  Luke reemerged, tucking his shirttails into his denims. After all they’d shared the night before, she figured it was safe to watch him do at least that.