The Jackal Prince Read online

Page 6

  Holding his weight on his elbows, he took his undergarments off as well.

  Yasmin’s first glimpse of his cock made her mouth go dry. He was long, thick, and powerful—every inch a prince of the Golden Desert.

  But instead of crawling over her as she thought he would, Siraj lowered his head and once more took her nipple between his teeth. This time, with no fabric in his way, the sensation was wonderfully intense, prompting her to hold his head firmly in place.

  Gods, but his mouth was hot, scorching her skin with wet fire. It was as if he wished to swallow her, suckling deep before lapping her nub back and forth.

  The need she felt moments ago coiled within her again. She wanted to rub her pussy on him, but he pulled away before she made contact. Yasmin tried not to groan with disappointment.

  Siraj lifted his head and grinned at her. That perfect face of his stole the air from her lungs. A shiver rippled through her from head to toe, and more cream coated her lower lips. His hands spanned her waist as he continued on in a downward path, stopping only to open her legs wide and kiss the inside of her thighs.

  Yasmin sucked in her breath as she watched him, such a gorgeous man, crouched between her legs. He meant to give her more pleasure. Her heart beat erratically at that revelation and she planted her feet on the carpet, if only to offer herself to him.

  Siraj entered her pussy with his finger and pressed deep. Yasmin thought it might hurt, but it only felt delicious as he slowly pulled back then pushed forward once more. She was so very wet, his entry gave her little more than a slight pang.

  But she couldn’t deny that when he pressed deep, she wiggled her hips to make him press deeper. Something he touched far inside of her had her bobbing on his hand.

  The first flick of his tongue on her clit shocked her. Yasmin cried out and clutched the pillows, arching her back as Siraj feasted. She hadn’t known a man would want to kiss her pussy, but by the gods, Siraj did.

  Everything was forgotten, nothing mattered but this very moment in time, as his tongue rolled her clit back and forth, much like he’d lapped at her nipples.

  One finger became two inside her, yet she hardly noticed. She was too focused on his mouth. But soon, the combination of his tongue and his fingers demanded another wave of pleasure, and this time, she shouted his name. Over and over again the waves crashed as she bucked and writhed, holding his head down to her clit until her orgasm had passed.

  “Gods!” she exclaimed, gasping as her entire body spasmed in the aftermath.

  Siraj kissed and caressed his way back up her body. He stopped to love her breasts once more, but didn’t stay there for long. He returned his mouth to hers and conquered her heart and soul. No man could ever compare to Siraj Pramtash—her Jackal Prince.

  While his tongue speared her mouth, his cock rode the folds of her pussy, slicking in her juices. Yasmin was powerless against him, shuddering at the erotic touch. Her hands were lost in his hair and her legs spread wide to make room for his body.

  She wanted him inside of her like nothing else on Jikkar.

  Passion rode her prince as he panted above her, but he held her head steady to gaze into her eyes, silently asking permission. Gods above, the man wanted her blessing before he plunged. The tip of him just barely entered her, and she raised her pussy up to meet him.

  He cocked his head and grinned again, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers. Yasmin returned his smile and wrapped her legs around his waist. His large frame shook as he pulled back. She took in his breath, caressing his neck and chest, back up to his shoulders, then into his hair.

  With a tug, she returned his mouth to hers, and in that instant, Siraj thrust his cock, embedding himself within her very being.

  A twinge of discomfort was all Yasmin felt with his initial plunges. She’d been so wet, he’d slid into her as if he’d done it a thousand times before. But Yasmin wasn’t about to lie back and do nothing.

  As he made love to her, so, too, did she make love to him, thrusting her hips in time with his, stroking his skin, and cherishing him with her touch. His thrusts became urgent and the sound of his skin slapping hers filled the carav. But of all things, she wanted him to push harder. Faster.

  His cock connected with that point deep within, where his fingers had been, and if she concentrated hard enough, she could come again. Yasmin strained for it, wanting it, needing her prince to show her the heights once more. A split second before her pleasure crested, Siraj tossed his head back and cried out, thrusting before pressing deep and rolling his hips forcefully against hers. His cries fueled her own need, and Yasmin’s pussy convulsed around him. Her ankles hooked around his waist as she came, growling into his mouth when he demanded another fiery kiss.

  Their tongues tangled while he rested his weight against her, lying fully on top of her sweat-slicked body. Never in her life did Yasmin know lovemaking could be so wondrous. Even now, Siraj was still inside of her, and she wished he’d never leave.

  He pulled away from her mouth to gaze down at her for long, languid moments. “Why did you come to me?” he finally whispered, fluffing her hair with his breath.

  “I-I had a bad dream last night. And I was cold.”

  He arched a brow. “Those are your only reasons?”

  “No.” She didn’t elaborate. Neither did he question her further. He merely treated her to another of his beautiful smiles before rolling off of her and holding her close.

  “Then you won’t mind if I cuddle with you before I start my day?” he asked, his voice light.

  “Not at all,” she answered, kissing his chest. “My passionate prince.”


  It wasn’t until after Siraj had left his carav for the day that Yasmin reflected on what they had done. Without words, she’d invited him to touch her, and touch her he did.

  She couldn’t deny that part of her had hoped he would make love to her once he discovered her beside him. But she had also been prepared for the possibility that he wouldn’t touch her due to his own promise.

  Siraj had, however, silently asked her twice if she wanted him to continue. And she’d given him her blessing. Gods above, she couldn’t be mad at him for it. The pleasure he’d bestowed upon her had made her body sing with delight.

  But now, with the sun shining high and the breeze hot upon her skin, Yasmin walked with the caravan and bit her lip in trepidation. She couldn’t allow their intimacy to continue. Not only was there the issue of the ghost haunting her, but that of her sanity. It was well known anyone cursed with the power of the ancient magics eventually went insane from casting them.

  Not to mention Siraj could get her pregnant. If he did, their offspring would merely be a bastard, not the next Jackal Prince.

  But Siraj had it in his head that he was going to marry her. Even though the thought of being his wife had her stomach leaping inside her, she couldn’t burden the Jackal’s caravan with her troubles. She was not a woman who could lead his people and bring them prosperity and peace. She would only lead to their downfall.

  And she’d be damned before she brought down the house of the Jackal Prince.

  Thankfully no one spoke to her as she walked. They seemed to keep to a safe distance. Perhaps her refusal to heal Disa from the day before had made its rounds among the people. It was for the best. She couldn’t afford to show anyone her magical ability.

  But the memory of Siraj’s gentle kisses after they’d made love had her swooning even now. He’d held her as if she was the most precious thing on Jikkar. Yasmin had dozed in his arms before he finally had to leave her to ready the caravan. He’d leapt from the blankets, unrepentant in his nakedness, and she’d looked her fill.

  There wasn’t a man in the desert who could compare to his male beauty. Siraj was stunning, both hard and soft in all the right places. The hair on his chest wasn’t too thick, and aside from the old scar that marred his belly, his hair ran in a line all the way to his cock. And what a cock it was. Yasmin hadn’t seen any o
ther, but she could only surmise that his was perfection.

  Just before he’d left her sprawled on his pillows, he’d stooped and lifted the blankets to gaze once more at her naked form. With a heart-stopping smile and an appreciative shake of his head, he’d kissed her hard then exited the carav.

  By the time he’d closed the door behind him, Yasmin had finally been able to draw breath. Siraj spun her life out of control. On one hand, she wanted to belong to him with everything inside of her. On the other, she couldn’t possibly become his princess, as her presence would only bring destruction upon his people.

  He wouldn’t be likely to listen to reason. The bond they shared had made his common sense fly right through the carav slats. He’d made up his mind the god of Jackals had given her to him, and nothing short of an act of his god would convince him to think otherwise.

  And she had to admit, it was an attractive fantasy. Loving Siraj every day of her life, riding the dunes with him, raising a family. Her eyes burned. She couldn’t possibly marry the Jackal, but she couldn’t leave him, either. She needed his protection.

  But perhaps she was being selfish. In being granted the protection of the god of Jackals, she’d already brought the ghost to his caravan. If it found her in Neviann, surely it could find her among the dunes as well. Regardless that no one had seemed to hear or see their previous encounter with the spirit, that didn’t change the fact that Siraj’s caravan was already in danger.

  It didn’t matter if she became his princess. The fact remained that she was putting his people in danger by her very presence. The ghost could strike at any time. Perhaps her fate was to succumb to the thing—alone. If that were the case, she’d need to travel far beyond any city or settlement. She’d need to leave the Jackal’s caravan and head out on her own.

  If the spirit found her, she wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone if she was nowhere to be found. It would probably kill her, but Yasmin knew that was to be her fate, not staying with Siraj and pretending like all was right in the desert. It was about time she quit running and face it.

  Just as she had that thought, one low, haunting note echoed across the dunes. Everyone around her erupted in gasps. A few people ran down the caravan line, while others furiously spoke of what it could be. Yasmin barely threw her thoughts into concentrating on their words when one particular word leapt into her head.


  The Viper Prince was upon them.

  Yasmin knew from learning about the Jackal that the Viper’s oasis was the closest one to his. In fact, Siraj’s father had tried to force Trianna, Siraj’s cousin, to marry the Viper in an effort to steal his oasis out from under him. That had been what led to Siraj overthrowing his father and seating himself on the Jackal throne.

  But Nestor Pramtash hadn’t succeeded in his nefarious plan. Trianna had married the Scarab Prince instead, and the Viper, he’d married a blond-haired beauty from another world.

  For some wild reason, panic entered Yasmin’s heart. She couldn’t fathom why, she only knew she needed to run. Swallowing her fear, she turned and raced down the line, away from the Viper and his entourage. She didn’t know where she was going until she’d climbed the steps to the weaving carav. Thankfully, it was empty, as she knew it would be. The ladies had jumped up and left the moment they’d heard the Viper’s horn, probably to join the crowd in greeting the visiting prince.

  Their looms and projects lay in various states of disarray, but it was quiet compared to the cacophony outside.

  Yasmin wandered to the far corner and slid down the slats. She was able to calm her racing heart and ease her breathing somewhat by closing her eyes and swallowing hard. With her head clear, she realized the exact reason why she ran.

  With the arrival of the Viper, there was no other obstacle for Siraj to marry her. Only a prince could marry another prince, and the Jackal would see the Viper’s visit as a sign from the gods.

  He’d want to marry her.

  Probably tonight.

  Bile rose in Yasmin’s throat. What am I going to do?

  ~ * ~

  Siraj strode across the open dunes to the Viper’s caravan and met his old friend halfway. Tariq grabbed him in a strong hug and slapped him on the back.

  “Siraj, old boy, how long has it been?”

  The Jackal returned his friend’s hug and pulled away, gazing at the Viper at arms’ length. With a wide grin, he said, “Too long. Over a year. How are your boys?”

  “Well!” Tariq said, smiling broadly. “They are most excited to see you.”

  Siraj looked over Tariq’s shoulder only to see two young lads with sandy-colored hair running toward them. Sabine, the Viper Princess, wasn’t too far behind, raising her hand in greeting. She was the only woman in the desert with golden hair, and she’d passed it on to her sons.

  Stooping low, Siraj grabbed Hassan, the Viper’s heir, and twirled him around, reveling in the sound of the boy’s giggles. Not to be ignored, Kadif, the Viper’s youngest, tugged on Siraj’s golden robes.

  “Jaka! Jaka! Next!”

  Siraj laughed at the boy’s way of saying his title; he couldn’t quite pronounce ‘Jackal’ properly. Setting Hassan down, he snatched Kadif into his arms and tickled him soundly.

  By the time Sabine caught up to her sons, Siraj swept her into his arms as well. “You look more radiant than ever, Highness!” he said, grinning.

  “And you, Siraj, have found Yasmin.”

  He set her back down in the sand, glancing between Sabine and Tariq. “You know?”

  Tariq’s expression became grave. “We have not merely happened upon you, Jackal. Sabine has had a vision, and we must speak with you about it.” The Viper swallowed hard. “It’s about Yasmin.”

  A rock settled within the pit of Siraj’s stomach. Every one of Sabine’s visions of the future had come true. And judging by the look on her face, her vision of Yasmin hadn’t been a good one.

  “We must talk,” Sabine said, her voice low. She bent and picked up Kadif, who put his head on her shoulder and regarded Siraj with his thumb in his mouth.

  “By all means,” Siraj murmured, gesturing them to follow. “Hassan and Kadif can rest in my brother’s carav.”

  “Thank you,” Sabine replied.

  Siraj’s mind raced as they walked, and the more he worried, the faster his heart raged inside of him. Obviously Sabine’s vision had been traumatic enough for the Viper to find him in the desert. Siraj wasn’t too far from his oasis, but whatever the Viper Princess had to tell him obviously couldn’t wait another couple of days.

  Swallowing hard, he allowed his people to greet the Viper and his family. It took longer than he’d liked to reach his royal carav, but thankfully his brother had been more than willing to look after Tariq’s children.

  With a frown, Siraj realized Yasmin wasn’t in his carav. Where was she? She hadn’t appeared when the Viper had announced his arrival, either. Now Siraj’s worry was compounded by the fact that Yasmin seemed to have disappeared.

  By the time the door closed behind Sabine, Siraj had to breathe deep to hold on to his sanity. Running his fingers through his hair, he winced.

  “What have you seen?” he asked, not mincing his words. He needed to know if Yasmin was in danger.

  “Maybe we should sit—”

  “What have you seen, Sabine?” he asked again, interrupting her. “Please, I don’t mean to be rude, but I must know.”

  Sabine took a deep breath. “Yasmin is being pursued by a…a ghost?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “I’ve seen it attack her myself. Or try to, at least.”

  “What do you mean try to?” Tariq asked.

  “It seems I protect her from it.”

  “You won’t be able to for long,” Sabine whispered, her voice barely audible. “Siraj, it’s going to…overtake her.”

  His eyes lit on the Viper Princess. An uncomfortable silence descended upon the carav. “You have seen this?”

  Sabine nodded. “Yasmin will succumb
. It will madden her.”

  Siraj’s countenance hardened. Every hair on his body prickled and a consuming rage overcame him. “That will not happen.”

  “Siraj,” Sabine said, placing her hand on his shoulder. “It will. I am sorry.”

  “No!” He didn’t mean to shout, but he couldn’t help it now. “Forgive me, Viper. But this cannot happen. I won’t allow it.”

  “There is nothing you can do.” The Viper’s soft words filled him with panic.

  “Please,” he said, his eyes burning. “If I marry her, the blessing of the god of Jackals will be upon her. Is it possible we can avoid this if she becomes my princess?”

  Tariq and Sabine glanced at each other.

  “I have never known my wife’s visions to be wrong,” the Viper replied. “She has accurately predicted the birth of our sons, when the Scarab would be in Suridesh, and even the weather patterns. This is her magic, Siraj.”

  “I know.” Siraj rubbed his eyes and gazed at Tariq. “Please help me,” he implored. “I have to do something. Gods, Viper. I’ve been looking for her for a decade. I cannot lose her. Not now.”

  Tariq sighed. “I will marry her to you if that is what you wish, Jackal.”

  Siraj could no longer speak. His emotions choked him and all he could do was nod.

  “Even the blessing of your god might not be enough to stop this spirit if it is strong enough,” Sabine said. “You might lose Yasmin. You must think this through.”

  “I have thought about it!” Siraj spat, uncaring that a few tears escaped his eyes. “By all that is holy I love that woman. I love her. Oh, sweet god of Jackals, I love her!”

  He was unraveling, but it couldn’t be stopped. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t catch his breath. The Viper placed his hand on Siraj’s shoulder, calming him somewhat as Tariq’s magic flowed through him. It was nothing more than the cleansing magic, but it was enough to pull him back from the brink.